Gears Navigator Tail Bag

A few years ago I really wanted to buy a large capacity tail bag for the FZ1N. I thought the ideal product was the BAGS CONNECTION Ballistic Cargobag 50L Tail Bag. It's a good size for touring light for up to a week, it has a tunnel design that helps keep it in place, but at over $300AUD shipped I really wanted to find something more cost effective.

2006 FZ1N Just before leaving Sydney en route to Townsville in 2010

Eventually I found the Gears Navigator tail bag, which is almost identical but at under $100CAD a much more cost effective solution. Not sure who copied who, but the Gears bag is great. I'm on my third sports bike since I bought the bag and I love it. Since then, a third player has released yet another almost identical bag, the AK Companion Cargo Tail Bag 50 L.

Anyway, the point of this post is to point out something I stumbled on today, an Australian eBay seller with the Gears bag running out at under half what I paid for mine.


I am not affiliated with the seller in any way, but $50 for a good tail bag is worth mentioning.

MotoGP, Moto2 and Moto3 Downloads

In previous years I've caught all three classes of GP bikes on Channel 10 or ONE HD. Unfortunately, this year TEN is covering just the premier class. This would be a completely ridiculous decision any season, but the Australian network dropping Moto2 and Moto3 the year our best Moto3 rider gets a seat with KTM?? Stone the flamin crows. Any Aussie wanting to see Jack Miller race is going to have to look elsewhere.

So for the first year ever, I have to download motorcycle racing. A mate put me onto rojadirecta and it's paying off already.

If you want you can go directly to the MotoGP - 2014 Season Index.